About Me

I’m Chao Tan (谭超). I am a Master candidate in Mooo Research Group at KAIST, working with Prof. Mooseok Jang.

My research interests include computational optical imaging, holographic display,as well as Mixed Reality (MR). I originally majored in Architecture in the School of Architecture and Environment at SCU but switched to Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering in 2021 due to my interest in holography.

From July 2023 to January 2024, I was advised by Prof. An Pan at the Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on Fourier ptychography. Prior to this, from July 2022 to July 2023, I was advised by Prof. Jun Wang at the College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, where I worked on computer-generated holograms and diffraction calculations.


Fourier ptychographic microscopy 10 years on: A review (Invited)

Fannuo Xu, Zipei Wu, Chao Tan, Yizheng Liao, Keru Chen, and An Pan

Abstract: Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM) emerged as a prominent imaging technique in 2013, attracting significant interest due to its remarkable features such as precise phase retrieval, expansive field of view (FOV), and superior resolution. Over the past decade, FPM has become an essential tool in microscopy, with applications in metrology, scientific research, biomedicine, and inspection. This achievement arises from its ability to effectively address the persistent challenge of achieving a trade-off between FOV and resolution in imaging systems. It has a wide range of applications, including label-free imaging, drug screening, and digital pathology. In this comprehensive review, we present a concise overview of the fundamental principles of FPM and compare it with similar imaging techniques. In addition, we present a study on achieving colorization of restored photographs and enhancing the speed of FPM. Subsequently, we showcase several FPM applications utilizing the previously described technologies, with a specific focus on digital pathology, drug screening, and three-dimensional imaging. We thoroughly examine the benefits and challenges associated with integrating deep learning and FPM. To summarize, we express our own viewpoints on the technological progress of FPM and explore prospective avenues for its future developments.

Fast Scaled Cylindrical Holography Based on Scaled Convolution

Chao Tan, Jun Wang, Yang Wu, Jie Zhou, and Ni Chen (2022/7 - 2023/7)

Abstract: Recently, the 360° display of cylindrical holography has garnered significant attention. However, existing studies have been limited to concentric cylindrical surfaces with equal heights, which restricts the height of the objects. In this paper, a fast scaled cylindrical holography is proposed based on scaled convolution to break this constraint. Firstly, the scale cylindrical diffraction is derived using the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction formula for scaled cylindrical holography, in which the object’s height can be adjusted. Then, a method of fast scaled cylindrical diffraction is presented by scaled convolution based on scaled Fourier Transform, and it significantly reduces computational time, enhancing its practical feasibility. Furthermore, the proposed method is extended to 3D objects using a layer-oriented approach. Moreover, the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method are verified through numerical simulations and optical experiments. Therefore, the issue of the constraint on the object’s height in cylindrical holography is thoroughly discussed and effectively addressed for the first time. This breakthrough paves the way for the development of a zoomable cylindrical holographic display with immense potential for applications in mixed reality and beyond.

Camera Design for the Whole Grade Family Photo

Curriculum Design: Supervised by Prof. Lei Li, College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University (Mar 2023 - Jun 2023)

Designed and assembled a camera capable of capturing all students in the grade along with the teacher (78+1) using Zemax and Solidworks.

Served as deputy leader

  • Completed the preliminary design of the optical section.
  • Performed mechanical design.
  • Handled camera mounting and adjustment.